The closing price for Fair Isaac (FICO) in December 2018 was $187, on December 31, 2018. It was down 6.5% for the month. The latest price is $2,007.57.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for NVIDIA (NVDA) on April 23, 2021 was $15.23. It was up 2.2% for the day. The latest price is $132.47.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for NVIDIA (NVDA) on April 24, 2020 was $7.21. It was up 2.1% for the day. The latest price is $132.47.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for NVIDIA (NVDA) on September 18, 2020 was $12.16. It was down 3.2% for the day. The latest price is $132.47.