Sorry, available market cap data for Nokia (NOK) starts on January 2, 2009. Nokia (NOK) has a market capitalization of $20.9B, based on 5.51B shares at a price of $3.80 (up 0.4% today).
Sorry, available market cap data for Nokia (NOK) starts on January 2, 2009. Nokia (NOK) has a market capitalization of $24.3B, based on 5.46B shares at a price of $4.46 (up 1.6% on Friday).
The closing price for Jack Henry & Associates (JKHY) in 1991 was $0.41, on December 31, 1991. It was up 555.3% for the year. The latest price is $168.61.
The closing price for Jack Henry & Associates (JKHY) in 1990 was $0.07, on December 31, 1990. It was up 58.4% for the year. The latest price is $168.61.
Between December 21, 1999 and December 21, 2024, Bitcoin (BTC) has returned 197,486,627.6%, XAU/USD has returned 824.8%, the Nasdaq Composite (IXIC) has returned 415.3% and the S&P 500 (GSPC) has returned 318.2%.
Sorry, available market cap data for Nokia (NOK) starts on January 2, 2009. Nokia (NOK) has a market capitalization of $23.8B, based on 5.36B shares at a price of $4.44 (up 0.1% yesterday).
Between December 21, 2004 and December 21, 2024, Bitcoin (BTC) has returned 197,486,627.6%, the Nasdaq Composite (IXIC) has returned 816.9%, XAU/USD has returned 501.1% and the S&P 500 (GSPC) has returned 396.5%.