Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for MSCI (MSCI) on December 30, 2022 was $456.16. It was down 0.3% for the day. The latest price is $605.99.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for MSCI (MSCI) on December 29 was $560.63. It was down 0.7% for the day. The latest price is $605.99.
The closing price for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) on June 30, 2021 was $34,503.83. It was up 0.6% for the day. The latest price is $43,750.86.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) on January 29, 2021 was $29,981.46. It was down 1.9% for the day. The latest price is $43,750.86.
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for MSCI (MSCI) on August 30 was $580.59. It was down 0.4% for the day. The latest price is $605.99.