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what's the price of btc 8/31/2021

Answered April 6th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on August 31, 2021 was $47,166.69. It was up 0.3% for the day. The latest price is $60,625.96.

bitcoin price 1/11/2021

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on January 11, 2021 was $34,895.29. It was down 9% for the day. The latest price is $60,319.87.

bitcoin price 12/21/21

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on December 21, 2021 was $48,896.86. It was up 4.3% for the day. The latest price is $62,187.57.

bitcoin price 04/04/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on April 4, 2022 was $46,449.01. The latest price is $57,598.

bitcoin price 03/04/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on March 4, 2022 was $39,150.64. It was down 7.8% for the day. The latest price is $58,017.

bitcoin price 04/02/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on April 2, 2022 was $45,865.94. It was down 0.9% for the day. The latest price is $63,302.02.

bitcoin price 04/01/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on April 1, 2022 was $46,300.80. It was up 1.6% for the day. The latest price is $60,046.

bitcoin price 03/01/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on March 1, 2022 was $44,346.99. It was up 2.7% for the day.

bitcoin price 04/03/22

Answered April 5th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on April 3, 2022 was $46,450.41. It was up 1.3% for the day.

ts% this season nba

Answered April 3rd, 2022
The closing price for Tenaris SA ADR (TS) yesterday was $29.51. It was up 0.6% for the day.

ts% this season

Answered April 3rd, 2022
The price for Tenaris SA ADR (TS) today is $28.45. It is up 0.9% for the day.