Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) on December 29 was $542,625. It was down 0.2% for the day. The latest price is $697,355.75.
Sorry, available market cap data for Accelerate Diagnostics (AXDX) starts on July 5, 1995. Accelerate Diagnostics (AXDX) has a market capitalization of $43.8M, based on 23.68M shares at a price of $1.85 (down 1.1% yesterday).
The closing price for JPMorgan Chase (JPM) in September 2012 was $28.88, on September 28, 2012. It was up 9.5% for the month. The latest price is $223.09.