mookie betts best stats against which team
Mookie Betts best stats against which team in his career
Mookie Betts best stats against which team in his career
Mookie Betts best stats vs which team
Mookie Betts has a .222 batting average with 20 hits, 5 homers, 10 RBIs and 13 runs scored in 23 games versus the Pirates in his career.
The Cleveland Guardians had a 30-22 record and batted .236 as a team against the AL Central in 2024.
The Baltimore Orioles have a 13-8 record against the Reds all-time.
Tony Gwynn has the best career batting average for the Padres, with an average of .338.
John Bateman was 1-4 against the Cubs on October 3, 1972.
Paul Carter had a record of 1-1 with an ERA of 9.00 and a strikeout in 5 appearances in his last 5 games against the Phillies at home in his career.
The Los Angeles Dodgers and the Anaheim Angels crossed the plate 101 times.
Gary Nolan got 206 strikeouts in his rookie season in 1967.
The New York Mets had a 24-22 record against the AL in 2024.
The New York Yankees had a 71-45 record against the AL in 2024.
Aaron Judge had 171 strikeouts in 2024.