best whip by a pitcher in a season with 162 or more ip since 1961
Since 1961, Pedro Martinez has the lowest WHIP with 162.0+ innings pitched in a season, with a WHIP of 0.74 in 2000.
Since 1961, Pedro Martinez has the lowest WHIP with 162.0+ innings pitched in a season, with a WHIP of 0.74 in 2000.
Since 1961, Pedro Martinez has the lowest fielding-independent pitching with 162.0+ innings pitched in a season, with a FIP of 1.38 in 1999.
Since 1961, Bob Gibson has the lowest ERA with 162.0+ innings pitched in a season, with an ERA of 1.12 in 1968.
highest avg by a league in a season since 1940
highest era by a league in a season since 1947
highest avg by a league in a season since 1947
highest avg by a league in a season since 1930
highest era by a league in a season since 1900
highest avg by a league in a season
Walter Johnson has the lowest ERA with 300+ strikeouts in a season, with an ERA of 1.36 in 1910.
Clayton Kershaw had his fewest runs above average in a season this season, with 2.
Since 1900, Walter Johnson has the lowest ERA- with 300+ strikeouts in a season, with an ERA- of 42 in 1912.
Since 1961, Pedro Martinez has the lowest fielding-independent pitching with 162.0+ innings pitched in a season, with a FIP of 1.38 in 1999.
Since 1961, Pedro Martinez has the lowest fielding-independent pitching with 200.0+ innings pitched in a season, with a FIP of 1.38 in 1999.
Clayton Kershaw had his best ERA- in a season in 2016, with an ERA- of 42.