How many games did Moncada, Eloy Jimenez and Robert play together?
Yoán Moncada played 161 games with Eloy Jiménez in his career.
Yoán Moncada played 161 games with Eloy Jiménez in his career.
2004 leaders in relief pitching by team
Scott Stratton has the best OPS by a pitcher with >125 at-bats with <250 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of .971 in 1894.
Charlie Hickman has the best OPS by a pitcher with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.084 in his rookie season in 1899.
Shane Spencer has the highest OPS by a right fielder with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.321 in his rookie season in 1998.
Jack Flaherty was 1-2 with an ERA of 7.36 and 15 strikeouts in 5 appearances in the 2024 postseason. He won his first World Series.
Jack Flaherty has an ERA of 5.36 in the postseason in his career.
Mike Trout has the best OPS by a center fielder with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.090 in 2021.
Ted Williams has the best OPS by a left fielder with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.410 in 1953.
Since 1961, Tony Gwynn has played the most seasons with a batting average above .300, with 19 seasons.
Since 1961, 50 players are tied for the highest batting average when playing 0.3+ seasons, with an average of 1.000. The first three are Daniel Bard, Tommy Hunter and Connor Overton.
Luke Appling has the best OPS by a shortstop with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.005 in 1945.
Ke'Bryan Hayes has the highest OPS by a third baseman with >50 at-bats with <125 at-bats in a season, with an OPS of 1.124 in his rookie season in 2020.