How much money has Hayden Springer won in his career?
Hayden Springer has earnings of $1,068,104 in his career.
Hayden Springer has earnings of $1,068,104 in his career.
Phil Mickelson had 198 top ten finishes with 45 wins and won $94,798,661 in his career.
Robert Allenby had earnings of $27,492,078 in his career.
Justin Lower has 431 birdies this season.
Victor Perez has 3 top ten finishes and has won $2,068,163 in his career.
Scottie Scheffler has the lowest scoring average this season, with 68.6 strokes per round.
Nate Lashley has 1 top ten finish a 70.9 scoring average and has won $1,471,105 this season.
Rory McIlroy has 124 top ten finishes with 25 wins and has won $86,704,020 in his career.
Justin Lower has 431 birdies this season.
Justin Lower has 431 birdies this season.
Justin Lower has 422 birdies this season.
Justin Lower has 431 birdies this season.
Justin Lower has 4.35 birdies per round this season.