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bitcoin open after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The 5th halving event is expected to occur on April 20, 2028 once 1.05M blocks have been mined. The block reward will decrease from 3.125 to 1.5625 coins per block.

bitcoin open price after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The opening price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving was $64,992.82, on April 21. It is down 9% in that time. The latest price is $58,891.01.

average price of apple since 2002

Answered August 16th, 2022
The average closing price for Apple (AAPL) since 2002 is $42.67. It is up 68,306.5% in that time. The latest price is $228.13.

bitcoin high price after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The highest closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving was $71,448.20, on May 20. It is up 0.3% in that time. The latest price is $65,722.75.

bitcoin price since the last halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving is $65,181.02, yesterday. It is up 0.3% in that time. The latest price is $65,722.75.

gamestop today

Answered August 16th, 2022
The price for GameStop (GME) today is $22.51. It is up 0.7% for the day.

bitcoin closing price after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving is $60,945.81, yesterday. It is down 6.2% in that time. The latest price is $61,120.01.

what is docusign's market cap

Answered August 16th, 2022
DocuSign (DOCU) has a market capitalization of $13B, based on 208.27M shares at a price of $62.51 (up 2.3% yesterday).

docusign market cap

Answered August 16th, 2022
DocuSign (DOCU) has a market capitalization of $12.1B, based on 204.72M shares at a price of $59.19 (down 2% yesterday).