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bitcoin high price after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The highest closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving was $71,448.20, on May 20. It is down 5.1% in that time. The latest price is $62,021.75.

gamestop today

Answered August 16th, 2022
Sorry, I couldn't find pricing data for that day. The closing price for GameStop (GME) yesterday was $22.63. It was up 1.7% for the day.

bitcoin closing price after the halving

Answered August 16th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) after the last halving is $60,945.81, yesterday. It is down 6.2% in that time. The latest price is $61,120.01.

what is docusign's market cap

Answered August 16th, 2022
DocuSign (DOCU) has a market capitalization of $12B, based on 204.72M shares at a price of $58.52 (up 1.2% today).

docusign market cap

Answered August 16th, 2022
DocuSign (DOCU) has a market capitalization of $12.1B, based on 204.72M shares at a price of $59.19 (down 2% yesterday).

how is gme doing ltm

Answered August 16th, 2022
Since September 24, 2023, GameStop (GME) has returned 31.2% and LATAM Airlines (LTM) has returned 5.5%.