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gold vs bitcoin ttm

Answered August 16th, 2022
Since September 19, 2023, Bitcoin (BTC) has returned 130.4% and XAU/USD has returned 23.4%.

gold vs bitcoin 365 days

Answered August 16th, 2022
Among Bitcoin (BTC) and XAU/USD, XAU/USD had the best day on December 27, 1979, returning 0%.

btc vs qqq over 6 months

Answered August 16th, 2022
Among QQQ and Bitcoin (BTC), QQQ had the best month in December 1999, returning 23%.

bitcoin price may 17 2021 cst

Answered August 16th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on May 17, 2021 was $43,537.51. It was down 6.2% for the day. The latest price is $60,464.01.