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bnd ytd

Answered August 3rd, 2022
BND has returned 4.9% since January 1, 2024.

price of bitcoin in july, 2011

Answered August 3rd, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) in July 2011 was $13.53, on July 31, 2011. It was down 16% for the month. The latest price is $60,024.14.

bitcoin price on march 23 2021

Answered August 3rd, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on March 23, 2021 was $54,672.54. It was up 0.3% for the day. The latest price is $56,797.36.

btc price oct 27 2018

Answered August 3rd, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) on October 27, 2018 was $6,480.38. The latest price is $53,946.27.

bird record against mj

Answered August 2nd, 2022
Since January 1, 2024, MJ has returned 11.9% and Allbirds (BIRD) has returned -51.9%.

aapl price on july 10 2007

Answered August 2nd, 2022
The closing price for Apple (AAPL) on July 10, 2007 was $3.99. It was up 2.7% for the day. The latest price is $226.84.

what's the market cap of googl

Answered August 1st, 2022
Alphabet Inc Class A (GOOGL) has a market capitalization of $2T, based on 12.35B shares at a price of $163.59 (up 0.1% on Friday).