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bitcoin price january 202 1

Answered August 29th, 2022
The closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) in January 2024 was $42,582.61, on January 31. It was up 0.7% for the month. The latest price is $64,441.69.

microsoft value all time

Answered August 29th, 2022
The average closing price for Microsoft (MSFT) all-time is $53.91. The latest price is $430.59.

apple value all time

Answered August 29th, 2022
The average closing price for Apple (AAPL) all-time is $22.26. The latest price is $227.79.

best stocks in a bear market

Answered August 27th, 2022
The highest closing price for the S&P 500 (GSPC) all-time was $5,745.37, on Thursday. The latest price is $5,738.17.